Lalit Modi's high profile life end as IPL Commissioner, as BCCI suspended him from the post late on Sunday night and governing council has unanimously appointed Chirayu Amin, an industrialist and head of the Baroda Cricket Association, as the interim chairman of the league, The BCCI president Shashank Manohar announced the decision following a meeting in Mumbai.
He said the former cricketers on the governing council - Sunil Gavaskar, MAK Pataudi and Ravi Shastri - would formulate a plan for the 2011 IPL tournament after consultations with the players, coaches and franchises.
Amin is a highly successful Vadodara-based industrialist, whose Alembic pharmaceuticals company lends its name to one of the city's three first-class cricket grounds. He has been on the BCCI board for the past few years and has served on its marketing committee.
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